
東京消防庁 > 安心・安全 > 日常生活における事故情報 > 耳かき中の事故に注意!

Don’t Panic…Call 1-1-9

The TFD has two Command and Control Centers; one is located in Chiyoda Ward and another in Tachikawa City. The Center in the Chiyoda district takes 1-1-9 calls from within the 23 wards of Tokyo, while the Center in Tachikawa gets the calls from within the Tama Region (except Inagi City). The Centers then dispatch fire and EMS units to disaster scenes. Correct information (on the address, incident facts, and others) is indispensable for emergency responders to reach the disaster scene as immediately as possible. Fire? Accident? Sudden illness?... Keep calm, call 1-1-9, and tell it like it is.

If you don’t know the address…

・Ask at a nearby store.

・Find “landmarks (ex., buildings, crossroads, and others) ” first.

・Try the mapping app. on your smartphone.

・Find the address sign on a vending machine, a utility pole, or a building wall.

The TFD works at new measures―the “reporting systems” for use in sudden emergencies―to meet varied emergency requests (given on the phone) as efficiently as possible. There are two remarkable systems at work: the automatic emergency reporting system and the stand-in emergency reporting system. The activation signals from an automatic fire alarm system or a pendant communications system are transmitted directly to the Command and Control Center―the “automatic system.” Meanwhile, the signals from a push-button device as well as an automatic fire alarm system are transmitted to the Center by way of a private sector company (ex,. a security agency? ―the “stand-in system.”

Related Pages

Emergency Call (Multilingual) https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/eng/119/119-01.html