
東京消防庁 > 安心・安全 > 日常生活における事故情報 > 耳かき中の事故に注意!

Keep Your Children Safe!

The emergency transportation of the children aged 5 and under as well as elderly patients shows the largest number. Children have poor awareness of dangers, and so keeping them from dangers is difficult. To protect children, family members should learn from past accidents and take necessary measures. Looking at the percentage of children’s major accidents and moderate level injuries with hospital care needed, we realize that the majority of emergency transportation is due to “Falling” and “Tripping.” Falling from heights could be fatal. Be careful!

〈To Prevent Children’s Drowning〉

  • When giving infants a bath and letting children play in the water, keep an eye on them.
  • Don’t let children take a bath alone.

〈To Prevent “Falls” from Windows and Balconies〉

  • Don’t let children play around on the balcony.
  • Be careful with the locations of air conditioner units and plants.
  • For the entrances/exits of balconies and windows, put double locks on for safety to keep kids from going out alone.
  • Check handrails regularly.

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Daily Life Accident Prevention for Infants (Japanese Video Clip)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmLJAc6upZc