
東京消防庁 > 安心・安全 > 日常生活における事故情報 > 耳かき中の事故に注意!

Keep Your Home Fire-Safe

Home fires have been increasing. Their main causes are Kitchen range, Smoking and Arson. Meanwhile, the main causes of home fire deaths are Smoking and Heater.

◇For Smoking Safety◇

・Don’t smoke and fall into sleep.

・Stop the “drinking-smoking-sleeping” chain.

・Put out cigarette butts completely with water.

・Don’t leave an ashtray full of butts.

・Use fire-retardant futon covers, sheets and pillow covers.

◇For Kitchen Safety◇

・Don’t leave kitchen ranges unattended while cooking.

・Keep burnable articles away from kitchen ranges.

・Use fire-safe ranges.

・Clean extractor fans, the walls around kitchen ranges and fish grills frequently.

◇For Heater Safety◇

・Turn off heaters before sleeping, going out, etc.

・Keep burnable articles away from heaters.

・Don’t hang the laundry over a heater.

・Turn off heaters before refueling.

・Keep heaters away from futon and curtains.

◇For Electricity Safety◇

・Dust off and keep wall outlets clean.

・In unplugging, hold and pull the plug, NOT the cord, out of the outlet.

・Don’t leave cords sharply bent or pressed under furniture.

・Don’t use electric appliances with their cords bundled.

・Be careful with multiple-socket outlets; keep their capacity in mind.

Related Pages

10 Do and Don’ts for Home Fire Safety (Japanese)https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/lfe/topics/201210/10_kokoroe/index.html

Be Prepared for Fire! Our Home Fire Prevention (Japanese) https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/lfe/topics/bouka/index.html

STOP!Home Fires (Japanese) https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/lfe/topics/bouka/data/jyutaku_kasai.pdf