
東京消防庁 > 安心・安全 > 日常生活における事故情報 > 耳かき中の事故に注意!

Proper Use of Ambulance Service

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has a set of three rules, the Tokyo EMS Rules for quick and proper medical service. Your understanding and cooperation would be appreciated.

RULE T Accept Patients Now

Hospitals team up with each other in each community to accept and provide patients with treatment as immediately as possible.

RULE U Triage Comes First

On-scene ambulance members quickly decide about the need and priority of first-aid treatment (i.e. triage) to save as many seriously injured/sickened people as possible.

RULE V Ask for Understanding and Cooperation

EMS is an important “social resource” for Tokyo citizens. Your proper use of this service in an emergency is important, too. Medical service cannot go along with the saying “The sky is the limit.” We need your understanding and cooperation.

The TMG also works at developing emergency medical policies. For more information, please call: 03-5320-4427 (Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health)

Related Pages

For Your Proper Use of EMS!(Japanese)https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/lfe/kyuu-adv/tksei01.html

ATTENTION! EMS Users!(Japanese) https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/lfe/kyuu-adv/tksei02.html